Visual Design


At Medallia I led several branding for external large events and campaigns as well as general communications design.




Visual and brand design


Visual brand designer


I worked in Medallia’s brand team. I designed for the website ( as well as created brand identities, brand systems, and brand guides for multiple events and sub-brands. I design lead digital and print assets for campaigns and often collaborated with our product designers and sales team. I also design led over 10+ events including the Experience conference from 2018-2019 and SKO (Sales Kick Off) 2017. I did the brand identity, look & feel, the brand guide, digital assets, iconography, swag, signage, keynotes & pages of the event website, as well as art directed the creative agencies we worked with.

In 2019 Medallia went public and rebranded at the same time. I design lead the 2019 rebrand of the company and their IPO campaign (including billboards and digital posters).

IPO global campaign

I design lead the global campaign for Medallia's IPO. It was featured across different airports and cities around the world: London, Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco, etc.. All images are copy righted to Medallia Inc.

Experience management training sub-brand

President's Club branding exploration

Medallia City Tours sub-brand

SKO 2018 event branding

Medallia Experience '18 event branding

Experience '18 is an annual conference for CX professionals. For the 2018 brand I designed the logo to go in a circular motion with the idea of reflecting the customer's needs. The "reflections" concept delivers on the interdependent nature between customers and employees. I design lead the brand for the conference, designed the brand-guide, icons, website, powerpoint templates, surveys, environmental signage, social media assets and swag. See Experience '18 brand Guide here

Medallia Experience '19 event branding

I led the brand design for Experience '19 CX event. See brand guide here.


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